Standard Templates are a great, simple way to get messages out quickly. Response Template are a more featured template type that allows for customization based on Case values. For instance, you can write a Response Template that says "Hello {UserName}" whereas Standard Templates do not allow for that functionality.
How to Create a Response Template
- In order to create a Response Template, type Response Template in the top left navigator under 'All'. You will then be brought to a screen that shows existing Response Templates. You will likely see 0 options.

- Click the 'New' in the top right of the screen.
- Fill out the fields requested. Name and Short Name are best named the same. The Group Visibility should be Groups you are a part of. You can add groups by typing in the 'Select target record' box.
- Under 'Conditions' put the first field as 'Active' and is true.
- We also suggest adding 'Assignment Group' is the same group from Group Visibility.
- Click the small curved yellow lines to refresh the search.

- You can put and format whatever you'd like in the body of the template. When it comes time to use a variable, click on 'Field' on the right and it will expand to show a list of variables. If you'd like to use a variable, such as Task Customer, click the name of the variable and it will add 'Task Customer: ${u_customer}' to the body of the template. The ONLY part of this you need is the part between the '$' and the '}' (such as '${u_customer}'). As a rule of thumb, feel free to edit the part before the $ to read what you want it to say or to delete it entirely.
- We encourage you to test around with the variables to get familiar with how they work.
If you want details about the Task Customer and aren't finding them, click the + plus sign in front of Task Customer and you will see options like First Name, Last Name, etc. Those are available for you as well.
How to Use a Response Template
Once you've built out your response template, Save it and go to your dashboard and open an existing case that matches the rules you set up for the template. In our case, the templates will only be available for Active cases, so if you find a closed case to test the template, it won't work. If you put Assignment Group rules on the Response Template, make sure the case you want to test is in the appropriate assignment group.
- In the case, click 'Responses' in the top right.

- A new side window will open up. Select your template from the dropdown.
- Unlike Standard Templates, Response Templates do not auto apply the template when you select them. You have to copy the text to your clipboard and pasting the contents into your 'Additional Comments' field.

- Once you've pasted the template, make any additional changes to your case and update it as you normally would!